Chaos, chaos

Have you ever faced or encountered difficulties in your life? I guess so,… How have you addressed the problem? Actually, how have you overreacted? How many people have you blamed? How many questions have you asked yourself about the meaning of life? By now, I am sure, I’m reminding you of one of those advertisements, that offer you a credit loan and make your life a piece of cake, but I am not talking about financial problems, I am talking about how badly the human being is able to take their own misfortunes.

As human beings, WE adore routine, WE adore our comfort zone, that’s why when a  problem arises, we get through a state of confusion, life seems to give us severe blows, we don’t understand it, ”Why us?”, definitely a spiral of chaotic feelings followed by a bad decision chain. WE fall into a hole of catastrophic results and negativity. Our routine becomes an example of complete daily disasters, and as a result, in the morning you prefer not to get out of bed and at night your only wish is to finish that bottle of brandy that your Dad gave you for Christmas.

This kind of torture will end if you decide to take the bull by the horns and look for some positive motivation. This may feel like looking for a needle in a haystack sometimes, but if you don’t take the high risk of keeping yourself in a positive mood, you will generate a state of confusion for your partners, friends, family, everybody. Every daily act will pose a threat for you. When you reach that point, I promise you, that feels like really hard work, because even making a cup of tea will be hard work “ Maybe the tea is too strong? Too weak? Too much sugar? Too much milk?” , confusion doesn’t have any limits.

Instead of avoiding your responsibilities, drinking alcohol, or minimising  the risk by keeping yourself safe at home, give yourself a chance to make and spot your own errors, keep that bottle of brandy in the cupboard, learn from your mistakes and be happy.


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