Do you remember “Highway to Heaven”? “Highway to Heaven” is an old series, where the suspense doesn’t build up, so do not get excited about the Halloween episode. This series is one of the most famous works that Michael Langdon, the accomplished actor, wrote, interpreted and dir ected. It documents, normal people’s lives, reflecting the main concerns for society at that time. Each episode is unique, it shows startling originality because there is not a connecting chain of events like current serial productions, where there is a common thread, such as a traumatic story, a conspiracy, or serial killer that runs through all the episodes. At the beginning it was a bold experiment, it was thought that this production wouldn’t be successful, but all those people who worked in that sector had to acknowledge that it had become a great production. I highly recommend this serial if you missed it at that time, when you were a child watching TV with your family, and suddenl...
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2018
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The real interview, Yesterday, I had an interview. The job position was for accountancy and bookkeeping, and to be honest, I didn’t match the profile as much as I would have liked. I went to the office, thinking that this interview would be like all the others. Same questions, same routine and I had a list of stock answers in my mind. But, for the first time since I’ve been doing interviews, I had a proper accounting/bookkeeping interview. I found myself in front of a smart, cultivated and experienced man, who knew what he really needed in his company. When my CV was reviewed in front of me, I realized how bad it was. Let me explain, as I told you before I had a career advisor in the company which supposedly I am doing an “internship” for. My career advisor made my CV, without knowing me. I changed a few things before, because I was not able to talk about them in an interview, but not everything, so when I was in this office and they asked me about some things written in my CV...
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LONDON’S LIFE What do you know about London? London is one of the biggest and most well-known cities in the world. Millions of people visit the city every year, and that is a determining factor in Londoner’s daily life. Just image you’re a Londoner and when you are walking in your neighbourhood, people around you talk in other languages. It is a fact that in London more than 300 languages are spoken. Actually, is not just people talking in different languages, is people who live in London and also make London more attractive. In Camden, there is a street with numerous Japanese restaurants, this delicious, delightful and distinctive street, now is part of London’s culture. When you get inside in one of these restaurants, there are the wall are typically decorated in authentic Japanese style (pictures, aquariums, fans), people who are eating around you are from Japan, even the menu is written in Japanese. The atmosphere make you feel like you’re not in London, you have do...
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LIVING FOR 5 MINUTES IN ROME The legendary characters, Romulo and Remo, were the founders of this fabulous, fantastic and full of myths city. Today we are going to stay in Rome for five minutes, although this could be an unthinkable journey, I promise that it could be like a real experience if we close our eyes and we follow the course of this speech, are you ready? It was a spring day we are close to the Via Celio Vibenna, the road that goes around The coliseum, most of you have seen the film Roman Holiday, where Audrey Hepburn drive through this popular road. Now, go back to the coliseum, look at each gold stone, each stone arch, is huge and you’re feeling so small when you are in front of it, the air is soft and warm, like a breeze. The sound of the modern city is at the back, like a murmur. How many stories those stones could tell us if they could speak? The coliseum has a capacity of 50.000 people, could imagine yourself seating as spectator in a roman fight, human...
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The fatal interview, I’ve done many interviews this year, good and bad interviews. Human resources is a kind of thing, is like a subject that, from my point of view, is personal, I mean, there is no a science to define a recruitment process, and as a human being, there are mistakes. Last Friday, I went to London for an interview. I went into the office, and while the interviewer and me were waiting for a third person, this person started to speak about typical things of my country. “Are you going to cook a paella for us” or “ why are you in England? In Spain is warmer.” I had lived in Scotland, so I replied: “At least is warmer than Scotland” and he insisted,.. and insisted,.. about the same issue, until this third person came. The point is, this man wasn’t originally from England, he came from abroad and I didn’t ask him, if he ate curry every single day. Is like you are interviewing a Chinese person and you ask something like “Is true do you eat dogs?”. Tha...
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CONVINCING YOU TO DONATE MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE Every morning when I walk through Basildon’s streets, I see a lot of charity shops around. The purpose of those charities is to raise money. Now, I am going to be on the side of one charity. One that I consider, the population should be more involved with. The PDSA, is a pet charity, they raise money for homeless dogs and cats. I don’t know about you, but when I wake up in the morning, I have 5 cats waiting for me. Cats and dogs, don’t talk, of course, but they have a particular way to say “thank you”. They look at you with care and devotion, never leave you alone, they don’t make any judgements, they just want to be part of your life. Pets are good for kids and for older people. They show kids how to be more responsible and to follow a routine, because everyday they have to take the dog for a walk, and feed it. That means, less hours on the PlayStation. For older people, the most important thing is they don’t f...
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Why do they let them run businesses? Before starting I must warn you that all I am telling you today is the truth, although it may seem unrealistic, unexpected or unbelievable. As I told you in my last speech, I have started to do interviews, for voluntary jobs, but still interviews. So I went to London for an admin voluntary job in a charity for homeless people. I arrived 10 minutes early, I found the building, it was old. I couldn’t see through the windows because they were covered with black paint. I rang the reception buzzer. Nobody answered me. It was 10 minutes later when a man opened the door. He apologised and I went into the office to do the interview. Nothing appeared normal. He didn’t even know my name, a volunteer had scheduled my interview. With no information about me, he started to say that I looked like a business lady and also that my hair cut was like a broadcaster TV woman. Then he let me know, with a determined and clear voice, that he had only 15 minu...
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Come and see,… I am sure that all of you, have looked for a job in your lives. Actually, I am a jobseeker. Since, I started to apply for jobs I’ve sent about 400 CVs. Maybe more? It’s so complex, that for me, is like be working in a full time job. How many of you have felt identified with my situation? I hope no many of you. So, normally, I look on the internet job websites, job fairs, workshops, LinkedIn, voluntary positions,…. Even I have paid for a program that included a course and an internship. At the beginning, I thought I got it. It would be in an office in Liverpool Street. So I felt the happiest person in the world. But happiness, was not for longer. When the moment arrived, they just offered me a homework job position, frustrating, but I had nothing better to do, so I accepted. The company I was going to work for, set the starting day, but when the day arrived, nothing happened. So, I called the company: voicemail. I call to my career advisor: voicemail. Anyway I c...